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Exhibitor Application

Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Upper Midwest Region of the Association of College and University Housing Officers (UMR-ACUHO)! 

For detailed information, the UMR Exhibitor Packet 2024 will be released soonfor information about the UMR-ACUHO conference, including schedule and hotel, visit the Exhibitor Conference Information Page.


Please complete the application below by Septemeber 13th, 2024. Once completed, a member of our team will be in touch to help answer any questions you may have.  If you have any questions in the mean time, please direct them to the UMR Conference Committee at


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    Exhibitor Application

    Contact Person Responsible for Ad Artwork

    Attendee Information

    Please enter each conference attendee’s individual contact information, if known.

    Primary Attendee:

    Additional Attendee #1

    Additional Attendee #2

    Additional Attendee #3

    Additional Attendee #4

    Exhibitor Options

    Additional Partnership Opportunities

    Additional partnership opportunities are available. If you are sponsoring our conference, you will receive a 25% discount on your exhibitor registration. Contact Terry Tumbarello by email at if you are interested and want more information.