The Upper Midwest Region - Association of College and University Housing Officers is a collection of professionals organized for three purposes. The purposes are (1) to educate, (2) to conduct research, and (3) to provide service to member institutions within the region. In carrying out this mission, the interchange of energies, ideas, and efforts produces an impact greater than the sum of its separate parts and ensures a level of program quality consistent with the expectations and needs of the diverse people and institutions of UMR-ACUHO.
The EDUCATIONAL area of the mission manifests itself in a variety of ways. These include:
- Providing methods and ideas for the education of students, faculty and staff within the individual institutions and outside of higher education regarding the housing profession.
- Exposing professionals to all aspects of housing, including residential life, maintenance, food service, administration, and business services.
- Establishing opportunities for leadership within a professional association for all levels of housing professionals.
The RESEARCH area involves supporting and/or conducting research efforts to learn more about the demographics of regional institutions, students, and those institutions and their development, and the housing profession in general.
The SERVICE aspect involves:
- Establishment of mentoring opportunities for new professionals by experienced and established professionals.
- Annually bringing the membership together to revitalize, challenge, and support individuals in their professional development.
UMR Statement of Non-Discrimination
The purpose of UMR-ACUHO shall be to promote and provide an environment of full opportunity and service for all identities. The Association will strive to acknowledge discrimination and eliminate it.
UMR Inclusion & Equity Statement
UMR-ACUHO is committed to inclusive practices, the principle of equity, and engagement with difference. Our organization seeks to provide members with experiences that foster a culture where civil discourse is embraced.