Constitution of the Upper Midwest Region - Association of College and University Housing Officers
The name of this organization shall be the Upper Midwest Region - Association of College and University Housing Officers, hereafter referred to as UMR-ACUHO or the Association.
The purposes of UMR-ACUHO shall be:
Section 1.
To be organized exclusively for educational and scientific materials to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section (501) (C) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) and to learn about products and services that support the operation of residence facilities.
Section 2.
To promote and provide an environment of full opportunity and service for all identities. The Association will strive to acknowledge discrimination and eliminate it.
Section 3.
To be committed to inclusive practices, the principle of equity, and engagement with difference. Our organization seeks to provide members with experiences that foster a culture where civil discourse is embraced.
Section 4.
To provide a means to communicate with, support, and receive support from the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International.
Section 1.
Institutional membership in UMR-ACUHO shall be open to institutions of higher education which have housing officers involved in the coordination of administration, educational programming, food service, housekeeping, or maintenance operations on a college/university campus.
Section 2.
Associate membership in UMR-ACUHO shall be open to individuals employed by eligible institutions which do not hold institutional membership or to employees of commercial student housing enterprises not eligible for membership.
Section 3.
Membership shall be open to eligible institutions of higher education and individuals eligible for associate membership in the states of Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and the Province of Manitoba, Canada.
Section 4.
The term of membership in UMR-ACUHO will be one calendar year (January 1 - December 31) or the remainder thereof according to the date membership dues are received.
Section 1.
The officers of UMR-ACUHO shall be the President, Vice President/President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, State Membership Coordinators (2), Inclusion and Equity Coordinator, Technology and Sustainability Coordinator and the Corporate Partnerships Coordinator.
Section 2.
The ten elected officers (President, Vice President/President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, State Membership Coordinators (2), Inclusion and Equity Coordinator, Technology and Sustainability Coordinator and the Corporate Partnerships Coordinator shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section 3.
Only housing officers (see Bylaws, Article I) of member institutions shall be eligible for elected office or committee chairperson appointments in UMR-ACUHO. Individuals with associate memberships are not eligible for elected office or committee chairperson positions but may serve on standing and special committees.
Section 1.
At the discretion of the Executive Committee, conference host proposals will be solicited from either a third party vendor or any member school/combination of member schools within the region. Efforts will be made to ensure that the annual conference is held in a variety of locations throughout the region. Article VIII of the Bylaws will be used as a guide for selecting conference sites.
Section 2.
Any institution of higher education eligible for membership shall be entitled to send one or more representatives to the annual conference. Associate members shall be entitled to attend the annual conference.
Section 3.
A registration fee shall be charged each delegate attending the annual conference. The amount of the registration fee shall be determined by the Executive Committee in conjunction with the Host Committee.
Section 1.
UMR-ACUHO shall conduct an annual business meeting during each annual conference. A simple majority of the voting members present at each conference will constitute a quorum.
Section 2.
Each member institution sending a representative to the annual conference shall have one vote at the annual business meeting, regardless of the number of delegates in attendance.
Section 3.
A simple majority shall determine the results of any issue that is brought to a vote, with the exception of amendments to the constitution.
Section 4.
A copy of the minutes from the annual business meeting will be provided to each UMR-ACUHO member institution at the next regularly scheduled annual business meeting.
Section 5.
Matters which the President or the Executive Committee wish to act upon at times other than during the annual conference, or which cannot be deferred until the next conference, may be acted upon, and such procedure may be implemented immediately. Any such actions must be presented to the membership at the next regularly scheduled annual business meeting at which time the actions may be accepted or rejected.
Section 1.
The Constitution of UMR-ACUHO may be amended by a two-third majority of the voting delegates present at the annual business meeting of the conference.
Section 2.
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any member of UMR-ACUHO. Such proposals must be submitted in writing to the Vice President/President Elect of UMR-ACUHO and shall be presented by the Vice President /President Elect of UMR-ACUHO to the membership at the scheduled annual business meeting at the annual conference.
Revised and approved: 11/05/81
Revised: 11/05/82
Revised and approved: 10/27/83
Revised and approved: 10/26/84
Revised and approved: 11/07/85
Revised and approved: 11/06/86
Revised and approved: 11/05/87
Revised and approved: 11/03/88
Revised and approved: 11/09/89
Revised and approved: 11/08/90
Revised and approved: 11/07/91
Revised and approved: 11/06/92
Revised and approved: 11/05/93
Revised and approved: 11/06/97
Revised and approved: 11/03/00
Revised and approved: 00/00/01
Revised and approved: 11/06/03
Revised and approved: 11/04/04
Revised and approved: 10/26/06
Revised and approved: 11/15/07
Revised and approved: 10/29/09
Revised and approved: 11/11/10
Revised and approved: 11/11/11
Revised and approved: 11/17/19